At the end of this lesson, student-athletes will:
Understand how STEM blends with sports
Understand the scientific method of critical thinking
Learn to blend life science with physical science elements
Increase self awareness and confidence
Academic Athletic STEM Standards
Customized curriculum includes Academic State Standards, National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) & National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Standards, to improve performance in the classroom and sport arena. Student-athletes will learn the fundamentals and apply scientific and critical thinking to the dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge of dodge ball physics.
Scientific Method
Student-athletes engage the scientific method as they use their personal measurements, activity challenges and analogies to solve the mathematics and physics of dodge ball equations.
Dodge Ball Lesson Plan Benefits
Time Flexible Activity Options
Group Activity Management Format
Blended Physical Education & STEM-Coaching Drills
Lesson Plan Evaluation Tools
Learning Through Play
Students become scientist as well as their own subjects as they actively engage their learning style through cooperative academic-athletic activities. Dodge ball lesson plans include step by step STEM-sport activity analogies, with time pause flexibility to ensure learning comprehension.
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